About Robert Brighton

Robert Brighton
Robert Brighton, award-winning author of the Avenging Angel Detective Agency™ Mysteries, is an authority on the turbulent final years of the Gilded Age, a vibrant, exciting era that is all too often misunderstood as stuffy and sexless. In his novels, Brighton peels away the glittering surface of the turn of the last century—a time both utterly strange and strangely familiar—to reveal the passions, conflicts, and human drama churning just beneath.
When not writing novels, Brighton is an adventurer, having traveled to fifty-six countries around the world, and usually on only a few dollars a day. He is a relentless researcher who, before writing any of his historical novels, spent almost four years reading—cover to cover—four major newspapers from 1897–1904. Among his somewhat quixotic career choices, he has been a mule wrangler, a bison rancher, and a vintage automobile restorer.
A graduate of the Sorbonne, Brighton is an admirer of Emily Dickinson and Jim Morrison. He is fond of tinkering with anything mechanical, splitting firewood, and observing the weather.
He lives in Virginia with his wife and their two British Shorthair cats.
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Beyond the Author Bio
Most important educational moments:
Mr. Houser’s 8th Grade class and the Sorbonne, Paris
Favorite books: Moby Dick, Leaves of Grass
Biggest inspirations: Emily Dickinson, Jim Morrison
When he’s not writing, Robert is:
Tinkering with anything mechanical and training bonsai
Antique pharmacology, patent medicine and Gilded Age anything
Resides with his wife and their two cats in Northern Virginia
Unusual predicaments:
Unplanned Trans-Siberian Railway stop in January at a gulag
Trapped inside a giant Buddha in northern Thailand
Unusual facts:
Robert reads fiction only very rarely
Fascinated with cicadas and dragonflies
People Robert would have liked to meet (in no particular order):
Buddha, Henry Clay Frick, Frank Lloyd Wright or Stanford White, Mary Magdalene, Cleopatra, Aristide Bruant, Meriwether Lewis, Emily Brontë, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Clara Driscoll
A Note From The Publisher
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