Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting RobertBrightonAuthor.com!  This website aims to provide a fun and interesting online experience about the world of the Gilded Age and all things Robert Brighton.  Since we don’t live in the Gilded Age anymore, we've created these modern Terms of Use for your perusal and reference. By visiting and using this site, you signify your acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not accept, you can simply not use the site. Continued use of this site means you accept our policies and any periodic changes.


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Security of Information.  Our website is hosted and maintained by Bizango, LLC, and they use industry-standard security protocols.


Use by Minors and Sensitive Individuals.  All users of this website warrant they are 18 years of age or older.  Robert Brighton’s novels contain adult themes, and this site may incorporate material inappropriate for minors.  Persons who find offensive or upsetting certain historical attitudes or terminology, coarse language, depictions of sexual situations and behavior, drug or alcohol use, intense or suspenseful scenes, or violence, are advised not to visit or use this site, and do so at their own risk.


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Changes to These Terms of Use.  Robert Brighton may update these Terms of Use at any time.  You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these Terms of Use periodically and become aware of any modifications.


Legal Notice.  This website is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.  All users agree to submit to binding arbitration in the event of any disputes.  We disclaim any responsibility for errors, omissions, and for any content provided by or submitted by users of this site or third parties not within our control.


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We are a small business and as such are limited as to levels of available stock and in our ability to accept credit risk. Therefore we reserve the sole right to limit or cancel any order for any reason.

Note there are no refunds of any purchase, except in cases in which an order is canceled by us or if an item is out of stock. If you wish to return an item that arrives damaged or defective, please contact us and we will replace your item(s) with the same item or items, if sufficient stock remains.


Questions?  If you have any questions about these Terms of Use or anything else on RobertBrightonAuthor.com, please email us.