True Crime of the Century - Part Four - Murder

On Tuesday, December 2, 1902, the simmering feud between Arthur Pennell and Edwin Burdick boiled over in spectacular fashion.

Alice Burdick left home late that morning with a cover story that she would be attending a Christmas bazaar planning meeting at the Burdicks’ church, the Church of the Messiah (Universalist) on the corner of North and Mariner Streets. As usual, she boarded the southbound Elmwood streetcar, but stayed on past the North Street stop to descend at Virginia Street.

From there it was less than ten minutes’ walk to 123 Whitney Place, where Arthur had engaged a furnished room.

123 Whitney Place today. (c) Google.

The two had been together for some time when fists began pounding on the front door. Arthur looked out a window and must have been stunned to see that their unexpected guests were none other than Ed Burdick and his detectives, who had apparently tailed them to their hideaway. 

Arthur told Allie that he would handle the interlopers and advised her to escape through a rear window, get to the Church of the Messiah, and lie low there until she felt that the coast was clear.

She waited at the church until almost six o’clock, when she returned home to find Edwin waiting to pounce. His detectives had given him a full report, he said, and the time had come for Allie to leave home—for good. He had had enough.

“But what about the children and my mother?” she protested. “And it’s almost Christmas!”

The front door of 110 Franklin today. Someone please fix this up! Author’s collection.

Ed responded that Allie was welcome to tell the children and Mrs. Hull (who had moved in with them two years prior) anything she liked, but it wouldn’t change a thing. He told her that she might instead consult with Arthur, who would surely have some advice to offer about her future—but regardless, no later than tomorrow she would be expected to leave.

Out of options, Allie agreed, and Ed rode with her downtown to drop her off at Arthur’s office at 110 Franklin Street.


She returned home around nine o’clock to a locked front door—which was something unusual. The Burdicks had never made a regular practice of locking up the house, even at night. The kids and their friends came and went, as did the Burdicks’ two live-in servants, a cook and a housemaid, and locking and unlocking the front door was an unnecessary nuisance—unless someone had something to fear. Fortunately Allie had a key in her purse (one of four in the household). 

The next day, she collected what things she needed—the rest would be shipped whenever she found permanent quarters—and prepared to leave. On the doorstep, an implacable Ed handed her a copy of his divorce complaint and said a final goodbye to his wife of sixteen years. 

“Oh, and Arthur can pay for everything from now on,” Ed added as the door closed behind her.

Allie rode to Central Station, where Arthur was waiting for her. They had decided to regroup in Niagara Falls, where Arthur registered Allie at the Prospect House. They dined together and discussed their predicament, and then Arthur returned to Buffalo, leaving Allie alone and, I tend to think, adrift.

Winter in a summer tourist town can be cold and lonely, and after a few days the pair decided that Allie needed to hole up someplace less depressing. They chose New York—which would be done up in cheerful style for Christmas. Arthur engaged rooms first at the Hotel Roland and then at the Hotel Buckingham, the latter a family-oriented hotel (i.e., not full of transient Lotharios) on 50th Street and Fifth Avenue, today the location of the Sak’s & Company department store. In the metropolis Arthur and Allie could hide in plain sight. They enjoyed meals together, attended stage shows, and took in the sights of the festive season. And Arthur did indeed pay all of Alice Burdick’s expenses.

Yet this was no carefree pleasure trip. At the Roland Hotel, an inebriated Arthur had gotten to talking with two employees in the hotel’s bar. “You’re drinking like a man with a purpose,” one of the men observed after Arthur had consumed more than a half-dozen drinks. Arthur nodded and said, “You boys don’t know what’s passing through my mind tonight,” he said “There’s one man I could kill, even if I went to the gallows for it. At the same time, I am having the best time of my life–at another man’s expense.” Arthur then made some off-color remarks about the barroom’s large painting of a nude woman, and raised his glass. The two men followed suit, waiting for Arthur’s toast:

“Here’s to death,” Arthur said.

Hotel Buckingham, circa 1900. Collection of the New York Public Library.

Hotel Buckingham dining room, where Arthur and Allie dined, circa 1902. Collection of the New York Public Library.

Carrie Pennell joined them at the Buckingham, and the trio remained in New York for three weeks, interrupted only by Arthur’s brief return to Buffalo around New Year’s. Other than that, Allie saw Arthur every day, sometimes more than once—though Carrie opted not to join them. That said, Carrie and Arthur must have talked, because about February 20, Ed Burdick received a letter from Carrie Pennell:

Dear Ed,

I feel impelled by some power to send you one more word of warning—although you disregarded my note of a week ago.

Carrie then pleads at some length with Ed to take Allie back—again for the sake of the children—but this time closes with a little bombshell: 

Allie is going to Atlantic City, and what the end of that trip will be, no one can tell. –C.

The Traymore, where Allie was at the time of the murder. Circa 1901. Courtesy Library of Congress.

Why Atlantic City? Allie and Arthur had already fled one lonely tourist town, but that one had been in New York State. Atlantic City was in New Jersey . . . outside of New York jurisdiction. On January 2, 1903, Allie went on alone to Atlantic City, where she stayed until a telegram arrived from Arthur, asking her to meet him back in New York on February 23. They stayed overnight at the Hotel Victoria, presumably discussing their forthcoming reply to Ed’s suit for divorce. The next day, Arthur returned to Buffalo on an overnight train, and Allie returned to Atlantic City. At the station, the two parted with mutual assurances that their love remained as strong as ever.

It was the last time they would ever see each other.

Arthur arrived in Buffalo on the morning of February 25. He spent the day meeting with friends and checking on a few repairs being made to his electric automobile. Edwin Burdick went about his business, too, though probably anxious awaiting his wife’s impending answer to the divorce suit, which was due in less than forty-eight hours.

The next morning, February 26, was cold and clear, with the forecast calling for snow late that evening. Ed spent the day at his factory, and then around five o’clock met with his attorneys to talk over the divorce. Then he went home, shined his shoes with an electric buffer he had purchased, read a bedtime story to his daughters, and said he was going to read a bit before turning in.

He returned downstairs to stoke the furnace. Around ten-thirty, one of the domestics—returning from her day off—surprised Ed in his underclothing, standing just outside the door to his den. Without acknowledging her, Ed quietly slipped into the den.

In his den, Ed took off his trousers, folding them neatly at the end of a very long divan or couch that took up most of the tiny room. He set his glasses neatly on top of a small bookcase and lay down on his couch, perhaps either to read or doze off. By this time, all of the house’s occupants were in their rooms upstairs: the three children, two servants, and Mrs. Hull.

But sometime between ten-thirty and two o’clock the next morning, a person or persons visited Ed in his little private den. And sometime in that same interval, Ed Burdick was bludgeoned to death with a heavy, blunt instrument.

Ed Burdick's den. Public domain.

The only known extant image of the crime scene. Author’s collection.

I will present what investigators found next time, but for now suffice it to say that whoever killed Ed Burdick did so in a perfect storm of rage. This was no burglary gone south or even the result of a heated argument that came to fisticuffs. No, in this case Ed Burdick’s murderer continued a vicious assault long after the victim was dead—probably after the first or second of at least eleven separate blows, which caved in the man’s skull and splattered the couch with sticky bits of brain tissue.

(Try mimicking for yourself the action of eleven hard blows, nine or ten of which are delivered after you can see plainly that your victim is dead. It takes some doing.)

There is more to come, but for now I’ll add that the only perimortem wounds found on Ed’s body were a badly contused hand and a broken finger—classic defensive wounds. Ed had seen his killer or killers and understood their intention; he had thrown up a hand to ward off a blow aimed at his head. After that, his killer or killers finished the job decisively.

Ed Burdick was dead—and had died while still married to Allie. The divorce case was over.

Next: The Investigation





This article is from Robert’s weekly non-fiction column on Buffalo Rising. Read more on Robert’s website about the case, and read The Unsealing, the award-winning novel inspired by the Burdick murder.